RDOŚ Katowice distinguished among 84 Polish LIFE Program Beneficiaries

17 sty 2024 | Aktualności, News

During a LIFE Information Day, which was held in Warsaw on January 11, 2024, were presented the effects of 15 years of involvement of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in supporting LIFE projects in Poland. There were also award ceremony to the most committed LIFE Beneficiaries. RDOŚ Katowice received the distinction as the unit most effectively using the program’s funds.

During the LIFE Information Day, Miroslawa Mierczyk-Sawicka – Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Katowice received the distinction in the category of environmental protection directorate unit most effectively using LIFE Program funds. The Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Katowice was recognised out of 84 Polish Beneficiaries of the Program.

Justifying the award, the management of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management stressed that the selection of a project and preparation of an application for a grant is not an easy process, thus the contribution of work and commitment of the RDOŚ Katowice team, in obtaining funds from the LIFE Program fund, can serve as a model for future applicants.

During the 15 years of operation of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, funding for environmental and climate protection activities from the LIFE Program was obtained by 114 projects.

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