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Autumn work on the islands

12 Nov 2019 | News

Autumn is a great opportunity to work in bird habitats. As part of the LIFE.VISTULA.PL project, gravel beaches where common terns nest will be restored on selected islands in gravel pits located in the Lower Skawa Valley. The works were commissioned by the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Krakow.

This applies to two islands on the Bend A and Bend B ponds in the Natura 2000 area of the Lower Skawa Valley. Over 700 m2 of vegetation will be mowed – mainly reeds and impatiens glandulifera.
Then  foil will be laid that prevents vegetation from growing back. Finally, gravel with a fraction of 2-16 mm will be poured onto the foil. All these tasks are protective, maintaining the natural character of the islands that are the natural habitat of the common tern.

We hope that in the near future terns will return to the beaches and find favourable conditions for breeding. Shortly after completing the work, we will present the effects of restoring the gravel beaches.